Weapons Tactics Targets

Our largest of broad categories, each of its three parts more often than not intersects with the others. Each section is further broken down as follows:

- Chemical Munitions
—Tear gas
— Mace / pepper spray
— Pepper balls
- Impact Munitions
— “rubber” bullets
— “bean” bags
- Vehicles
- Tasers
- Interpersonal Violence
— batons
— shoving
— kicking
— hitting
— chokeholds

- Kettling
- Bull rushing
- Revenge
- Using vigilantes
- False Narratives
- Demoralizing
- Improper barricades
- Anonymity
- Vehicular Intimidation
- Too Little Time to Comply

- Non-protesters
- Unarmed
- Children
- Medics
- Journalists
- Elders
- Politicians / Officials
- Vigilante Accomplices